Thursday, October 05, 2006

All kinds of new stuff...

I've started a Yahoo group: Outlaw Scrappers. I hope I ha ven't gotten in over my head, and I fear I may have. Reading all the fine print akes me realize all that's involved with it. But I was onthis thread at 2Ps, where there were all these women talking about how they didn't fit the "norm" - the conservative craftsy crowd who dominated most scrapbooking sites and communities. There are a lot of us "alternative" types out here. Someone mentioned the idea of "Outlaw Scrappers" and I was immediately intrigued with it, and thought it was just the thing for me. Perfect. So hopefully it will attract some like-minded artists who share common thoughts and viewpoints - hopefully it will bring out some newly inspired art, different, cutting edge...all that. Anyone reading this who might want to check it out - go to Tomorrow I'll think of something cool to put up for the homepage art.
I just know this is going to take a good bit of my attention. DH is going to hate it, I'm sure of that. He already hates how much time I spend in my studio - no matter how much I explain to him how much I need that time, how much my sanity depends on it...

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